Friday, January 29, 2010

Why I name my blog imperfect~

Because I do care and love you~ But you still not belong to me So I am Imperfect without you~ Sad Case will you belong to me?

Three not Two

You will receive three type of present not two liao Hehe~ try guest what you will get from me~ maybe two u know one maybe know or not de lo~ Hahahahaha~ Anyway I know I very Fan~ But this I can tell you because I do care about you So I very Fan~ Please stop blocking me at MSN la~

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Own you 1314~

Do you know wad is 1314 dun know then nvm la~ Y0u will know soon ~ Because you will get two tpye of present from me~ Hehe

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hate you~

You make me no time to do my project. stupid la you~ Always 3.30 wan play computer~ Really mad then u D.I.E~

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sienz ah~

Need buy which container ah~!!!!
2 Jie say buy love de container, But i think glass de container more nice wo ~ Can see through de wo~ Fan ah!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Stupid Sejarah ~

I hate sejarah subject ~ Freaking stupid sejarah teacher give so many NOTA. Make me need do a lot of pages~ ~SAKAI~ She NICK NAME IS BUANG SAMPAH because she name is tou lap sap~ HAHAHA good morning tou lap sap~ SAD need DO H/W liao

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Very Boring at HOME ah~ sienz ah!!!!~ No one chat with me very very very sienz de~ I think every one not happy because too sienz at HOME ~

Tired of studying?

Tired of studying? Me too, lazy to study but i still need to learn more. Because I wanted to be a Engineering,Drawing de at computer la~ Anyway how u guys study at school?? Still Great? For me is still ok to study at school.... Me study at 4SP2 very good felling lo~ Haha~Tell me how is your study felling at school~ Now every day need study lo~